Abby Harts
my story
Abby Harts is a Commercial and Industrial Photographer at
Abby Harts began her journey in photography with basic film cameras and a traditional darkroom and moved in to digital. Think of all the creative opportunities made possible with today's digital imaging techniques. Despite these advantages the goal with photography for her is the same now as it has always been, to capture captivating and memorable images.
I love to get out and photograph battle-reenactments and street photography when im not working. I don't have to work to a brief and can be more creative with my own work, as I love to play with photoshop.
I have fell back in love with Black & White photography again over the last few years, I still love colour but B&W images still have that classy look about them.
Image by Michael Landelle
Birmingham uk. A city in lockdown with covid-19. Coming soon!
Old Asylums
I love to got out to old asylums when I can, Denbigh was a place was a place I trid to get to for years, Coming soon!
Light Painting
I love the winter as I can get out and play with light painging. Comming soon!
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